Kazakhstan's representative team, Altay, arrives at the Horizon Lake View Resort

Malaysia's Shanghai Golden Age make their way to the opening dinner

Htun Myint Naing speaks with the Myanmar team before dinner

Professor Dr. Thet Khine Win, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health and Sports, kicks off the AVC 2016 Asian Men's Volleyball Championship with his opening address at the dinner

Mr Ghaffar Derakhshandeh, AVC Control Committee President, delivering his opening speech at the dinner

Htun Myint Naing delivering his welcome address at the dinner and wishing the Myanmar volleyball team success at the games

Delegates and officials rub shoulders and enjoy dinner at the Horizon Lake View Resort

Htun Myint Naing delivering a rallying call for the Myanmar team to do their best and enjoy the games

All the teams are gathered courtside for the opening ceremony

The teams are gathered in rows in front of their flags to await the commencement of the games

To officially kick off the matches, H.E Dr. Myint Htwe, Union Minister for Ministry of Health and Sports, providing the opening speech for the Opening Ceremony

Htun Myint Naing addresses the athletes, coaches, referees and officials to highlight the significance of the championship for Myanmar and the boost it will give to sports in the country. He wishes all teams well

H.E Dr. Myint Htwe, Union Minister for Ministry of Health and Sports, presenting teams with the Welcome Certificates

The first game between Myanmar and Vietnam commences. The team from Myanmar is in dark blue on the right

Nothing escapes the control committee who keep a close eye on the proceedings

The team from Myanmar plays with passion

The Vietnamese players are equally determined and matches the home team stride for stride and serve for serve

Players of Maseco, the team from Vietnam, huddles together after winning an important point

The Myanmar team played well and inches out the Vietnamese team in all three games - 17 to 25; 20 to 25; and 21 to 25




AWC Chairman, U Htun Myint Naing, with U Tin Oo, Chairman of NLD, at AWPM's 20-years anniversary celebration

U Tin Oo and U Tin Aye, former Union Election Commission Chairman, exchanging greetings

Daw Sandar Min, Yangon Region Hluttaw MP of Seikkui Kanaungto Township, giving speech at ceremony

U Ye Myint Pe, MD of Win Pacific Co. Ltd and ACL partner, giving speech at ceremony

Guests toasting to celebrate AWPM's achievements

U Htun Myint Naing honouring AWPM's U Myat Kyaw for 20 years of service

Cake Cutting Ceremony with guests

U Htun Myint Naing and Shipping lines Representatives U Ye Myint Pe (ACL), Mr. Foo (IAL), and Dy GM U Zaw Htun Lwin (Shipping Agency Department)

U Htun Myint Naing opening Speech at AWPM's Staff Party

U Htun Myint Naing toasting with AWPM Staff to thank them for their hard work