U Min Lwin, Director General, Department of Civil Aviation (DCA), Daw Nilar Kyaw, Electricity, Industry and Transportation Minister for Yangon Region, and U Htun Myint Naing, Chairman of YACL, at the symbolic ribbon cutting ceremony

H.E. U Thant Zin Maung, Union Minister, Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication, addressing the invited guests with opening speech

H.E. U Phyo Min Thein, Chief Minister of Yangon Region, addressing invited guests with opening speech

U Htun Myint Naing, Chairman of YACL, addressing invited guests with opening speech

VIP attendees taking a group picture at the end of the opening address

U Htun Myint Naing taking H.E U Thant Zin Maung, H.E. U Phyo Mint Thein and invited guests on a tour of the new Yangon International Airport Domestic Terminal (T3)

H.E. U Phyo Min Thein speaking to YACL team members while touring T3

U Htun Myint Naing explaining some of T3's standout design and architecture to H.E U Thant Zin Maung and H.E. U Phyo Mint Thein while touring T3

U Htun Myint Naing speaking with H.E U Thant Zin Maung and H.E. U Phyo Mint Thein while touring T3

U Htun Myint Naing and VIP guests visiting retail and F&B outlets while touring T3

U Htun Myint Naing explaining some of T3's standout design and architecture to H.E U Thant Zin Maung and H.E. U Phyo Mint Thein while touring T3

U Htun Myint Naing and VIP guests sharing refreshments



Magwe F.C players carrying in the General Aung San Shield to the symbolic ceremony where it will be presented and transferred to the Magway Region government

H.E Chief Minister Dr. Aung Moe Nyo of Magway Region delivering the opening address

U Soe Win Thant, Director of Asia World Foundation, giving his opening speech

Dr. Khin Maung Aye, Minister of Natural Resource and Energy, for Magway Region, delivering his opening speech

AWC's U Soe Win Thant presenting donation of 10 million kyats to aid in the nurturing of a new generation of football athletes in Magway Region, to Colonel Naing Oo, Minister of Security and Border Affairs for Magway Region

U Sai Thiha, Manager of Asia World Foundation, presenting sporting equipment to Magway Sports Committee in support of local sports

U Sai Myint Thein, Director of Asia World Foundation and Magwe F.C, handing the shield to Dr Aung Moe Nyo, H.E Chief Minister

Team shot of Magwe F.C at the symbolic ceremony

Group photo of GOH along with Magwe F.C team

AWC's U Soe Win Thant receiving certificate of receipt from Colonel Naing Oo, Minister of Security and Border Affairs for Magway Region

AWC's U Sai Myint Thein receiving certificate of receipt from Colonel Naing Oo, Minister of Security and Border Affairs for Magway Region

AWC's U Sai Myint Thein presenting donation of 30 million kyats to aid disaster recovery efforts around the Magway Region to Colonel Naing Oo, Minister of Security and Border Affairs for Magway Region

U Soe Min, Magwe F.C. Manager, introducing the club's players

AWC's U Sai Myint Thein presenting the permanent plaque of General Aung San Shield to Dr. Khin Maung Aye, Minister of Natural Resource and Energy. This will stay in the Magway Region permanently

Guests of Honour at the VIP table

Audience looking on at the proceedings on stage